If I believed (#22 NaPoWriMo Prompt)


NaPoWriMo Prompt: And now for our daily prompt (optional as always). I’ve found this one rather useful in trying to ‘surprise’ myself into writing something I wouldn’t have come up with otherwise. Today, I’d like you to take one of the following statements of something impossible, and then write a poem in which the impossible thing happens:
The sun can’t rise in the west.
Pigs can’t fly.
The clock can’t strike thirteen.
A circle can’t have corners.
A mouse can’t eat an elephant.
The stars cannot rearrange themselves in the sky.

If I Believed

The sun could rise in the west
Etched by a pig with wings
As the clock struck thirteen.

My hand could trace a circle with corners while I
Watched a mouse cleaning its whiskers
By its pile of elephant bones.

I could look up and
Find the stars
Rearranged overhead.

I could believe these things,
If I believed I could live without you.

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