A Sap: ASAP (#8 Na/GloPoWriMo)

A sap should be sticky,

Pine honey oozing down vanilla bark

Weeping tears down wounded trunks

Saturated wood starting fires

A sap should need tissues for Hallmark movies

Mean every kind word

Write handwritten letters

Save corks from wine memories

But ASAP is now

5 minutes ago

Get a move on, airman,

You’re like molasses in January

5 Replies to “A Sap: ASAP (#8 Na/GloPoWriMo)”

  1. I love the phrase “like molasses in January” – I usually say winter is here when you tilt the Nutella jar and nothing moves, so I find it very effective. And it’s a great way of closing your play on a (sticky) sap and ASAP. Lovely, really enjoyed reading it!

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