The Same Moon (NaPoWriMo #17)

My first moon hovered beyond wisps of
White blond hair and a windowsill
Where I dangled studying the horizon,
Waiting for Santa’s sleigh to be backlit.

Awestruck tonight that this moon,
Buoyant over this retirement dream,
Highlighting this new and forever home,
Nearly five decades later, is the same moon.

I remember the silvery disc over the
Air Force Academy Terrazzo
And a Hawaiian Beach and also
Lighting morning runs by a South Korean river.

My lover and I howled at this moon
On a Mediterranean beach in Turkey.
We first fell for each other under the very same
In the warm waters off Cyprus.

Even on those stormy nights of
Love lost, friends lost,
Erupting emotional change,
This moon waited behind the clouds.

One day I’ll reach out
Pluck it from its place
Feast from its pungent pores
And then put it back on my flight

Beyond the stars.

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